Certified with NSW Disability Standards by Global Mark.
Certified with NDIS.
All employees have completed the governments COVID-19 infection control training.
All support staff have a minimum of a Certificate III in the industry.
All support staff have passed criminal record checks.
All support staff have current first aid certificates.
All support staff have completed a workplace health and safety induction.
Most support staff have working with children checks, vaccinations compliant with NSW Health and disbaility equipment and mobilitiy aids training.
Honors & Awards
Finalist in the 'Champion of Champions' Small Business Awards in the category of 'Services' sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank..
NSW/ACT Employer Award for Excellence 'for leadership in employment of people with a disability' from the Australian Government.
Tafe NSW recognised Accuo Home Care as a provider of choice for student placement and values the ongoing commitment to develop a skilled, engaged and responsive workforce.
Awarded "Best Personal Care & Domestic Support Company - New South Wales" by Global Health and Pharma.