We are qualified Occupational Therapy Driver Assessors who work with the ultimate goal of assisting anyone who wants to drive, and also has a disability, SAFE and LEGAL. We conduct comprehensive OT Driver Assessments to the competency standards published by OT Australia (2018), and in line with current legislation regarding medical fitness to drive (AustRoads, 2016) and state-based licensing authority procedures. We guide our clients through the complex journey of medical driver's licensing, with the goal of ensuring that anyone driving with a disability does so in a way that meets legal requirements and ensures their functional driving capacity. We work with NDIS participants who have various driving goals; whether the goal is to learn to drive, return to driving, or continue driving we can assist. We prescribe engineer compliant driving modifications and provide training through our qualified specialised driver trainers. We bridge the gap between the functional and legal sides of driving a vehicle in Australia, liaising with medical personnel and licensing authorities. We also advocate within the NDIS framework for driving-related supports where necessary, including funding towards specialised driving lessons and/or vehicle modifications required for driving. Any NDIS participant who has driving goals must start with an OT Driver Assessment, and we are here to help!
We are a mobile provider and conduct OT driver assessments from the comfort of a participant's home. We service the Gold Coast and Northern NSW. We accept referrals for NDIS Participants who are both Plan and Self - Managed.