Being a communication partner for someone is one of the most valuable roles a person can have. In the past we have looked to workshops for information to help us be better communication partners. But often we come away from workshops remembering a fraction of what we were taught. It doesn't have to be that was any longer! Now there is an online and self-paced way. You can learn at home, work... whenever it suits you. There's also some flexibility in the delivery of my training package. In the package there are five courses. Course 1 is available now and can be purchased as shown on the Podia link Or, for even greater value for money, you can purchase from Course 1 on the NDIS platform when you sign up you join me for a personal 1.5 hour Webinar tour of the course with opportunity for a Q&A session after. Also, look out for the "Communication Strategy of the week" that will be available FREE on this site from August. So, simply choose the option that suits you best and let’s get started. There are conversations between people with communication impairment and their communication partners just waiting to happen!