Posted 16/03/2021 in Category 1 by Carinbundi




Carinbundi is a registered NDIS Provider and every school holiday, we run Vacation Care.  It is something we love to do and our staff always have a lot of fun as well.

We try to keep the cost of the program as low as possible because we know that it can become expensive!  

Our April program is now in place:

Week 1 - 6th April to 9th April (8.30am - 2.30pm)

Week 2 - 12th April to 16th April (8.30am - 2.30pm)

We also have wheelchair accessible transport available (at a cost) for pick-up and drop-off so talk to our team when you book in.  Contact:  07 4158 9600 or

Some of the activities we have include:

Botanical Gardens Train Ride, Tinaberries for morning tea and ice-cream, Gymfinity, Cooking, Swimming, Lake Ellen, Zoo, Bundy Bowl & Leisure, Theatre, Nature Playground, Turtle Park as well as art & craft and a big Hawaiian party.

Vacation Care is a great way to stay active during the holidays as well as make new friends or re-connect with old friends.  Call us now to book in!  Don't be disappointed as spots fill fast.

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