Posted 23/10/2020 in Category 1 by Carinbundi

Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living

What is it all about and, more importantly, will it work for my family?

We can quote all sorts of figures and statistics from the NDIS website which, if you have a person with a disability in your life you have probably read.   

I want to look at it from a ‘people’ perspective.

Firstly, we do not look at our houses as “Group Homes”.  Why?   Because this conjures up the old-fashioned perception where six plus people living with a disability are thrown together and told what to do and when to do it, what they can and can’t eat and what they can and can’t watch on TV etc.

At Carinbundi, our houses are rented or owned by the clients and it is their home! That is the number one rule. Their home, their life, their choice!

Residents don’t have people telling them what to do and when to do it.  They have support workers to support and guide and help them to make good choices and fulfil their goals.

The goal of Carinbundi and the support workers is for people living in SIL to be as independent as possible and live a full and happy life.  

What does that life look like?  However the resident wants it to look! There is no one way.  It has to be tailored to suit every individual.

How do we know what residents what?  Easy – we ask. We also work closely with the residents’ families.  We encourage families to be completely involved in the residents’ lives.  We encourage families to drop in for a coffee or take their loved ones on a week-end away, a holiday or home for a meal.   This is no different to any other person leaving home, finding their wings and becoming more independent.

Every resident and every house runs differently.  Why is that?   Because every resident is different - they all have their individual goals, wants, likes and dislikes.  It is unrealistic to have all the houses run the same.  

Our preferred SIL model at Carinbundi is for small groups of 2 or 3 people to share a house which makes it affordable.  This is no different to anybody else sharing a house – it’s about sharing with like-minded friends or family so you can better afford to pay the rent, pay the bills and still have money left over to save or go out.  It is about having a ‘circle of friends’ around for support, someone to share a meal with, someone to go bowling with, and someone to share a laugh with or simply watch a movie.  Someone who ‘has your back’.

“To us, it is not rocket science.  It is empowering people living with a disability to reach their full potential and lead a full and happy life.  It is their life and their choice and everything we do revolves around this,” said Clive Pearce, CEO of Carinbundi.  

We sometimes hear negative comments around SIL and people being reluctant to have their loved ones move into some type of supported living.  We get that.  Change can be scary for everybody.  We can help and guide you and your family through the whole process so you have peace of mind.  Be part of the journey as you watch your loved one find their wings.

Best of all, you can go back to being a mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle or friend.  You don’t have to be the key support worker.  

For more about Carinbundi, visit our website:

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