Posted 19/10/2020 in Category 1 by Carinbundi



Participants at Carinbundi are encouraged to engage in their community through social and recreational activities

“Our priority is about creating connections between People with disability and the community they live in,” said Tania Anderson, Manager of the Carinbundi Community Inclusion program.

“We do this through volunteering with other charities and businesses.  It is a great opportunity for our participants to give back to the community as well as learn new skills.  Just as importantly, it enables our community to see past peoples’ disabilities and see what our participants are able to do”.

One of the organisations we work with is Days for Girls.  They are a not-for-profit organisation with teams around the World.  Days for Girls raise funds to make washable, reusable sanitary care kits which are distributed to girls and women in need.

Without access to feminine care products, many girls stay isolated during menstruation, with no schooling for days.

Nicole Beasley who is the coordinator of DAYS FOR GIRLS in Bundaberg is passionate about the project and said that it is 50% about the kit and 50% about education.  The initiative also provides reproductive and hygiene education as well as support and training for communities to produce their own kits and deliver health education.

“Our clients enjoy going along and volunteering with DAYS FOR GIRLS.  They enjoy helping pack the bags but just as importantly, they enjoy interacting with the other volunteers,” said Tania.

“At Carinbundi Community Inclusion, we volunteer at a number of places including the Hospital, Meals on Wheels, Red Cross, Toy Library and St Patrick’s school. Volunteering is such a positive way to help develop participant’s work capabilities and build their confidence and self-esteem.”

Call us to talk about your individual needs and let us tailor a program that suits you.  Call our Community Connect Team on 4158 9680 or emails us at

Visit our website to learn more about Carinbundi.

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