My Healthy Mind has a range of professionals available to help you and your family work towards a better future…
My Healthy Mind started from a small clinic style counselling service in 2018 working with children and their families to reach collaboration in their lives. We soon came to realise much of the same problems were accruing in all homes with children and teens struggling on a day to day basis with technology, not wanting to go to school, bullying, little to no physical exercise, nutrition, hygiene, ADHD, Autism, Melt Downs, anger management, little to no resilience and no drive to succeed.
We realised that the clinic space was not what these children and families needed so the Youth Identity Program was born.
This program teaches children ways to combat the above issues in a hands-on, safe and controlled environment. Since then we have run many successful programs with outstanding results.
Alongside our usual clinic and online counselling services, we have created more programs for children and parents to help with gaining their identity and empowerment back into their lives.
Recently we took a deeper look at why regular martial arts training can be a powerful tool in building confidence,... View More